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Balance Awareness Week Starts Today! Great News!

What is your balance awareness week story? Great News! Balance Awareness Week Starts today! Great News! Balance Awareness Week Starts Today! How is your balance awareness? Do you or someone you love have a balance problem?  Balance problems can be caused by many...

Top 5 Home Projects to Help Prevent Falls

Top 5 Home Projects to Help Prevent Falls

The following is a list of my top 5 home projects to help prevent falls. While staying home more often due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I have been jumping from project to project around my house. Things I had been putting off for months are now getting completed and it...

Is Anxiety from COVID-19 causing dizziness?

Is Anxiety from COVID-19 causing dizziness?

Is Anxiety from COVID-19 causing dizziness? Good question. Dizziness is a common symptom for people with inner ear disorders, and when a person is stressed out or anxious due to the COVID-19 crisis, their symptoms can increase.  It is a pretty normal human...

Staying Active during COVID-19

Staying Active during COVID-19

Staying active while sheltering in place during COVID-19 can be a challenge. For many of our patients at Equinox Physical Therapy in Sarasota, Florida everything has changed. Grocery shopping, exercising, playing golf, socializing, and eating at restaurants has been...

What are Balance Exercises?

What are Balance Exercises?

When a person is having a balance problem, they are often issued standing balance exercises that they practice at home. A proper evaluation by a physical therapist is needed in order to assess the abilities of the patient and to determine if the patient needs to start...

How Long Does Vertigo Last?

How Long Does Vertigo Last?

Vertigo is a spinning sensation. The patient usually describes it as the “world spinning”. Sometimes the patient will say the world is still, but they feel like they are spinning. Vertigo is a sensation that for the most part is due to a vestibular problem (inner ear...

Facial Paralysis Treatments

Facial Paralysis Treatments

Facial paralysis treatments are for people whose facial nerve is damaged and unable to send messages to the muscles of the face that create facial expressions.  This problem can occur for several different reasons.  Some causes include: tumor, trauma,...

A Balanced Body for Sports and Life

A Balanced Body for Sports and Life

My name is Dr. Hannah Leatherman, and I work with Dr. Laura Wazen at Equinox Physical Therapy in Sarasota, Florida during the winter months. I am a trained vestibular therapist, which is a physical therapist who specializes in treating patients with dizziness and...

3 Falls in the Elderly

3 Falls in the Elderly

Falls in the elderly are not normal and should not be accepted as a fact of life.  This week, I had a patient who was 90 years old and told me that he was doing pretty well until this last year.  In the last 12 months, he has fallen 6 times!  These falls have happened...

Painting of a family sheltering in place in their home

Our Approach

Listen. Listening is the most important step in understanding a patient’s concern. It is the most basic beginning, and in health care today, so often undervalued. It directs understanding, the direction of testing, and formulation of a plan. It is the most important step in paving the road to treatment and recovery.

Learn. Our role is not only to learn from our patients but to guide them in how to learn from us, and what they should do to take back their lives and create positive change.

Live. Life is a gift. The purpose of all treatment at Equinox Physical Therapy is to restore function, independence, and freedom to clients recovering from or living with an illness.

Schedule a free balance screening