941-404-4567 [email protected]
A Balanced Body for Sports and Life

A Balanced Body for Sports and Life

My name is Dr. Hannah Leatherman, and I work with Dr. Laura Wazen at Equinox Physical Therapy in Sarasota, Florida during the winter months. I am a trained vestibular therapist, which is a physical therapist who specializes in treating patients with dizziness and...
3 Falls in the Elderly

3 Falls in the Elderly

Falls in the elderly are not normal and should not be accepted as a fact of life.  This week, I had a patient who was 90 years old and told me that he was doing pretty well until this last year.  In the last 12 months, he has fallen 6 times!  These falls have happened...
Balance Therapy and Physical Therapy Goals

Balance Therapy and Physical Therapy Goals

Balance therapy is a generalized category of physical therapy exercises to help an individual improve their balance.  The ultimate goals of balance therapy are to prevent falls and increase a person’s functional abilities and independence, both at home and in the...
Dizziness and the Visual System

Dizziness and the Visual System

One really cannot understand how much we use our vision to help us balance until it is taken away. That is why a standardized test for balance is to stand with feet together and eyes closed. The test is called the Romberg test, and the goal for most adults regardless...