941-404-4567 [email protected]
Falls, Canes and Walkers, and Balance Problems

Falls, Canes and Walkers, and Balance Problems

Most people with balance problems want to avoid walking with a cane or rolling walker unless absolutely necessary. Even when necessary, many people refuse to use a cane because they are too proud or embarrassed for others to see them walking with one. The...

What is Balance Therapy?

What is Balance Therapy?

Generally speaking, balance therapy is a type of physical therapy that is performed to help a person with a balance problem. Different therapists may approach treating a balance problem based on their own background and expertise. For example, a therapist who comes...

Crystals in the Ears?

Crystals in the Ears?

Crystal, 1921 Watercolor by Paul Klee My physical therapy clinic in Sarasota, Florida sees many patients who are surprised to learn that they have crystals in their ears, and yes, they are supposed to be there! The crystals are made of calcium carbonate, and are...

Will My Vertigo Come Back?

Will My Vertigo Come Back?

This is one on the most frequent questions that my patients in Sarasota, Florida ask me, “Will my vertigo come back?” It is the question they usually ask right after I tell them that their BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo) was successfully treated, and is...

Should I Take Medicine to Stop my Dizziness?

Should I Take Medicine to Stop my Dizziness?

This is a frequent question that many of my patients ask me. Antivert, Meclizine, Bonine, and Dramamine are all drugs that can be bought over the counter to treat dizziness. But the question is, when should a person take these drugs? To answer this question, one must...

Painting of a family sheltering in place in their home

Our Approach

Listen. Listening is the most important step in understanding a patient’s concern. It is the most basic beginning, and in health care today, so often undervalued. It directs understanding, the direction of testing, and formulation of a plan. It is the most important step in paving the road to treatment and recovery.

Learn. Our role is not only to learn from our patients but to guide them in how to learn from us, and what they should do to take back their lives and create positive change.

Live. Life is a gift. The purpose of all treatment at Equinox Physical Therapy is to restore function, independence, and freedom to clients recovering from or living with an illness.

Schedule a free balance screening